Baroness Campbell’s first husband Graham Ingleson, who died as a result of receiving infected blood products


Secrets, lies and cover ups. That’s what we’ve been fed for 40 years. Today is the culmination of the campaign for truth and justice to be served – a turning point for so many people who have had their lives shattered by the infected blood scandal. This Inquiry has been thorough and painstaking. Now it’s time for the Government to follow the Inquiry recommendations to ensure all those infected, and affected, by contaminated blood products are compensated quickly. Time has run out, with one person dying every 4 days.

On representation:

The new Infected Blood Compensation Authority must ensure the wants and needs of people affected by this scandal are at the heart of its work. This must include people from the community having a voice on the board, and at every level of the new organisation, including their own advisory group.

On naming key individuals:

Accountability is crucial for the infected blood community to find some degree of closure. A key feature of this scandal has been the unwillingness of individuals, institutions and organisations to hold their hands up and admit they should have acted, and behaved, differently.

I hope those in power, in public office and in positions of trust, will mark the publication of the Inquiry’s report with some reflection and a commitment to ensuring scandals like this are never repeated.